4 NGOs to do volunteer work in Rio de Janeiro

NGOs to do volunteer work in Rio de Janeiro

You decided that you want to live a different experience while you are visiting or living in Rio de Janeiro.

You want to have a new perspective and work to build a better world?


We are going to show you four different non-profit organizations where you can do volunteer work in Rio de Janeiro, help people and at the same time develop your skills.

Solar Meninos de Luz: Volunteer work in Copacabana

SOLAR MENINOS DE LUZ its an NGO located in the favelas of Pavão-Pavãozinho and Cantagalo in the South Zone of Rio de Janeiro and has several activities that can be developed as volunteer work.

The main focus of the NGO it’s to provide education and culture activities for children and teenagers living in the favelas nearby.

In 2020, it was elected one of the 100 best NGOs in Brazil. The ideia of the social projects developed by the non-profit it’s to create an environment where the children participates in more than one activies created by the NGO so that they fulfill their time with productive activities

This idea was created to prevent children and teenagers of the favelas nearby to engage with criminal activites and to prevent them from participating in illegal activities such as drug trafficking and to build a prosperous future for themselves prevent them to participate in illegal.

The social projects that are running now and where you can do volunteer work in Rio de Janeiro are:


how to volunteer work in rio de janeiro - SOLAR

The project, which is led by teacher Paula, uses violin, ukulele, flute, and chorinho, and is aimed at children. If you have skills with an instrument and want to work as a volunteer at the institution, this is one of the possibilities that SOLAR offers.


The NGO understands this project as an opportunity for children to develop an interest in creating handicrafts and to realize that the result of their creation can, in the future, be a source of income.


The NGO develops the dance project with the understanding that within the concept of holistic education, corporal expression plays a fundamental role.

SOLAR MENINOS DE LUZ has several projects for people who want to do volunteer work in Rio de Janeiro in the South Zone of the city.

If you liked the NGO and are interested in doing volunteer work in the Pavão-Pavãozinho and Cantagalo communities, we suggest you get to know the project personally. It is well worth it and we guarantee that they will welcome you there.

You can act as a recurring volunteer acting directly in some project or occasionally helping in the organization of charity events, such as the bazaar and other events.

Every week the NGO receives people who want to work as volunteers to present the projects and the facilities of the institution. Because of the pandemic we suggest that you get in touch before visiting them.

You can send an e-mail to [email protected] manifesting your will to know the institution and to work as volunteer.

Sociedade Brasileira para Solidariedade: Volunteer work in Laranjeiras

Here at the Sociedade Brasileira para Solidariedade (Brazilian Society for Solidarity), we have openings for volunteer work in Rio de Janeiro in the Laranjeiras neighborhood.

Our projects with open positions for volunteers are Ciranda das Letras, Clínica de Psicologia Social, and Pré-Vestibular Comunitário.


Volunteer work in Rio de Janeiro - Laranjeiras

Ciranda das Letras is a project for children and teenagers that aims to develop intellectual and social skills through reading workshops, literacy classes, workshops on specific subjects, and recreational activities.

The volunteer can develop workshops with the children, participate in existing activities, and propose new activities to be developed with the children, who live on the favelas of Laranjeiras.


Volunteer work in rio de janeiro

The psychology social clinic project aims to provide psychotherapeutic care for people who cannot afford private treatment.

The volunteer will work with patients who have signed up for the project and will also participate in supervision sessions with the coordination team, which includes professionals with extensive clinical experience.

To participate in the project, the volunteer must be a psychology undergraduate student, or already in the 8th period of college.


The Community Pre-College offers all the necessary subjects for people who want to take the vestibular tests. The project has been in operation for more than 10 years and has helped ensure access to higher education for dozens of low income people.

Besides providing the classes of all the required subjects, the project also counts on professionals that help in the vocational orientation of the students that participate in the project.

Do you want to be a volunteer teacher or work as a volunteer in the psychology project?

If yes, we want to meet you! Send Us an e-mail to [email protected] telling your motivation to participate and how you think you can help.

PROJETOS R.U.A.S: Volunteer work in Botafogo, Leme, Copacabana and Laranjeiras

Rondas Urbanas Amigos Solidários (RUAS) works with homeless people in neighborhoods in Rio de Janeiro’s South Zone including Botafogo, Leme, Copacabana and Laranjeiras.

The purpose of RUAS is to bring the residents of certain neighborhoods together with homeless people of these same neighborhoods in order to create bonds between people who share the same space, but who, for reasons of life, are in radically different social situations.

R.U.A.S. operation is divided into 3 stages:

1 – The institution provides training for volunteers on how to work with homeless people;

2- Every Tuesday night the volunteers meet with homeless people to understand their demands and propose dynamics involving health, art, and culture.

3 – After collecting the demands of the homeless people, a connection is made with the social assistance services of Rio de Janeiro as a way to correctly direct the problems that can be solved.

To find out more you can visit the R.U.AS website or send an e-mail to [email protected].

Street Yoga with the homeless: Volunteer work in Flamengo, Glória and Laranjeiras

Street Yoga is a project that was born in 2015 with the proposal to offer free yoga classes for homeless people along side with serving vegetarian food.

If you want to volunteer in Rio de Janeiro, Street Yoga might be a good option for you.

If you have some knowledge to conduct Yoga classes you can contact the project and volunteer to have the experience of proposing a practice with homeless people.

You can also volunteer to help prepare vegetarian or vegan dishes.

The dishes are made from food that would otherwise be discarded by commercial establishments.

The project has a team of cooks and chefs to prepare delicious food after the practices and provide a space for exchange between the volunteers and the homeless.


To contact the project you can send a Whatsapp message to André (21) 98870-6715, Eve (21) 99936-8635 or Fernanda (in charge of the kitchen) (21) 99974-1746.